myINEC Mobile App

yINEC mobile app  is a collaborative effort between the Independent National Electoral Commission and PrestAds. The new app enables subscribers to seamlessly access information relating to the elections from their mobile phones.

The app was developed to help enhance access to information and voter education. A subscriber can access information on candidates for the elections, political parties, among others, from their mobile phones.

The app is free and available to all on Google Play Store and BlackBerry World
Installation instructions:

Android: Go to Google Play Store using your android device, search for “myINEC” (please note it is one word). Tap/Click on install to download and install to your device

BlackBerry: Go to BlackBerry World on your BlackBerry device, search for “myINEC” (please note it is one word). Tap/Click on install to download and install to your device


myINEC currently runs on the Android and BlackBerry platforms