What will be the procedure on Election Day?

Appear in person at the unit where you registered between 8.00am and 1.00pm with your permanent voter’s card;

  1. Accreditation commences at 8.00am. Voters are expected to queue up in an orderly manner;
  2. Card reader will be used to verify and authenticate the PVCs presented by voters
  3. Accreditation closes at 1.00 pm.  A security personnel is required to stand behind the last person on the queue to prevent any other person joining. However, everyone on the queue as at 1.00 pm shall be attended to. The number of the accredited voters is announced and written in the column provided for, on the result sheet;
  4. At 1.30pm, the accredited voters are invited to queue up in an orderly manner for the commencement of voting;
  5. Accredited voters on the queue are counted and the figure loudly announced and entered into the result sheet;
  6.       They are invited one after the other to confirm their accreditation and also issued with a ballot paper;
  7. The voter is directed to a cubicle to make his/her choice on the ballot paper in secret, and thereafter, drop the ballot into the ballot box in the full view of all present;
  8. Voting is declared closed when the last voter on the queue has voted.
  9. The ballots are sorted, counted and the votes scored by each contesting party/candidate as well as the rejected/spoilt ballots are announced and filled into the result sheet;
  10. The result is entered into form EC 60E and pasted at the polling unit;
  11. The results from the Polling Units are taken to the various levels of collation for computation.