De-Registration of 28 Political Parties

DESPITE the criticisms that trailed the recent deregistration of 28 political parties, the Chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, has justified the commission’s action citing the provisions of section 78 (7) (ii) of the Electoral Act 2010 as amended, which empowers it to deregister parties following the breach of any of the requirements for registration and failure to make any impact in the elections.

Jega insisted that the action was based on the fact that the affected parties fell short of meeting the requirement of the law. He warned that more parties could be deregistered “so long as they fail to meet the requirement of the law.”

He said there is room for the registration of additional parties that meet the laid down rules.

Insisting that INEC took the decision based on the powers conferred on

it by the constitution and the Electoral Act 2006 as amended, Jega said he was aware that some politicians who were aggrieved with the decision had gone to court to seek redress.

According to him: “ We have taken the decision to deregister 28 parties and as far as we are concerned, we have acted legally. Of course, many political parties chieftains, especially, of those deregistered were not happy and we understand that and some of them have gone to court. We are law-abiding and we will await whatever judgment that will be made. But we believe that the constitution and the Electoral Act has given us the responsibility to register and deregister any political party

that falls short of meeting the requirement of the law.”

Jega who chaired the validation conference of INEC’s 2012-2016 strategic plan reiterated his desire to create an enabling environment for all stakeholders to partake in the country’s electoral process.

Canvassing for a national policy to cater for persons with disability, Jega ruled out the possibility of producing a ballot paper with

brails for the disabled persons.

Nevertheless, he assured that in spite of constraints, INEC

would do all within its powers to ensure that persons with disabilities

participate at the polls.

He noted: “We will strive to meet the need of all stakeholders to make the election environment friendly for all stakeholders and participants especially those with disabilities. There are systemic challenges that are beyond our powers to deal with. We would do everything possible within

our limits to improve the electoral environment so that it is friendly to people with disabilities.