INEC Chairman’s Address to the Stakeholder Meeting on Edo CVR and Governorship Elections, Conference Room, Abuja, May 18, 2012

On behalf of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) I welcome you all to this meeting. We thank you for responding to our invitation at short notice.

The objective of this meeting is to have an opportunity to address all outstanding issues, which can restore normalcy in electioneering in Edo State so as to ensure the attainment of the national desire for transparently free, fair and credible elections in the forthcoming Governorship elections in Edo scheduled for July 14, 2012. Developments in the state suggest heightened tension, increased mutual fears and suspicions and predilections for violent confrontation and lawlessness, threatening lives and property of ordinary citizens and undermining the chances of having free, fair and credible elections. We are particularly worried by the increasing spate of allegations and counter allegations being bandied about, many of which are targeted at INEC and its staff. Given the weighty nature of these allegations, it has become imperative that we have this meeting to place all cards on the table, offer and obtain clarifications and evidence, and all work together to address them, and restore normalcy to the electioneering process in the state.

Since the April 2011 elections, INEC has preoccupied itself with activities targeted at bringing about substantial improvements to the electoral process in all subsequent elections. We have not as yet got to the level of perfection in which there is a general acceptability of the outcome of elections. Things have been so bad for so long, and Nigerians are so anxious to have a totally reformed process, that we have tended to underestimate what it takes and how much time is required to obtain substantive and wide ranging satisfactory results. Thus in our rage and haste, we seem to be throwing away the baby with the bath water. There are undoubtedly still numerous challenges, which have constrained our efforts and attainments as an election management body. However, in spite of these, in dealing with those formidable obstacles to the integrity of the electoral process, which bedeviled our elections in the past, operationally and logistically, the new INEC, in the nearly two years of its existence, has made remarkable progress. We need to appreciate this, sustain this, and as stakeholders all join hands to create the conditions for continuous addition of value and improvement.

We have, on assumption of duty as a new Commission, made a commitment to be fair, impartial and non-partisan in our relations with all stakeholders, as well as to create a level playing field for all parties and all contestants. We have despite all odds done our best to keep faith with this commitment. Many stakeholders have remained skeptical and seem to doubt us. But we have remained undeterred. Perhaps what is now required is create more opportunities for dialogue and interactions, such as these, putting all cards on the table, and frankly and sincerely working together to address emerging challenges.

Now, with regards to the CVR, which was to have commenced on May 15, 2012, we planned it consistent with the Commission’s earlier decision to do CVR in all states with pending rerun elections since April 2011, to give opportunity to those who have qualified since the last registration. Hence we did CVR in Kogi, Bayelsa, Adamawa, Sokoto and Kebbi states. We could not do CVR in CRS because we had to revise the timetable and there was no time; also in Sokoto although we did the CVR we could not use the new revised register because revision of the timetable prevented us from publishing the new register within the legally permissible timeframe. So what we intended to do in Edo stae with regards to CVR is no different from what we did in other states where elections were held since April 2011. The Director ICT will make a brief presentation on the technical processes for the CVR.

Nonetheless, in view of the allegations and counter allegations, which have been made in the past two weeks on the preparations for the CVR in Edo state, and given the weighty nature of some of these allegations and the need to thoroughly investigate them and take a firm decision regarding them well before the elections, the Commission has decided to postpone the CVR in Edo until after the elections, so we can do it in an atmosphere devoid of suspicions and fears, and so that we can focus on rebuilding confidence and preparing for free, fair, peaceful and credible elections.

Let me reassure all of you here today that this commission is not beholden to any person or persons and is not influenced in its decisions by anybody’s private altruistic reasons. We take our decisions in compliance with the obligations imposed on us by law and in the best interest of our country. We will continue to do our best for our country.

Now, in the past two weeks or so, INEC has received letters of complaint and petitions making wide ranging allegations, from the following:
– Governor of Edo State and candidate of ACN for the Governorship election
– Candidate of PDP for Governorship election
– Edo State secretariat of the PDP
– 2 other petitions from other groups unknown to INEC
The allegations are against individuals, political parties or groups/institutions, including INEC, said to be working illegally to subvert the electoral process. We consider the allegations weighty enough to commence thorough and meticulous investigation and to commit to taking immediate measures for redress based on the outcome of the investigations. But evidence is required for most of the allegations to be determined and those making the allegations are duty bound to provide that. We hope this meeting will assist to be able to successfully address to the satisfaction of all, all of these allegations. We also hope that the outcome of this meeting will enable us generate/restore sufficient mutual trust and confidence so that we can move forward with preparations for transparent, free fair, credible and peaceful elections in Edo state. I therefore urge all participants here to be frank and sincere as we address these issues. We cannot resolve everything today, but let us have a very good beginning and if there is need for a follow up, whether here or in Edo state we shall do it.

Thank you.
Attahiru M. Jega, OFR